Sunday, August 12, 2012

First Grade Eve

Twas the night before first grade and all through the house…
I am scurrying around like a half-crazed and rabid mouse!

Like last year, I ran the PCP up to the school for a few “first day” pics.  It’s really much easier this way – for one, I’m not fighting a thousand other students and parents for one square inch of real estate in front of the school and, perhaps more importantly to the little one, I’m not embarrassing him with hoards of photos trying to get “just one good one.”
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August 2012 449 copy   firstgrade
Aside from the photo session, we spent the last day of summer vacation doing just as the PCP wished.  We ate cereal for breakfast on the porch, watched a little shark week, spent all afternoon at the pool, played Lego Indiana Jones on the wii  and had tacos for supper.  Ah, the things that please a “more than six and a half” year old.”
August 2012 454 copy
We laid out clothes for tomorrow, sprinkled our Back to School Magic Confetti under both littles' pillows (the baby INSISTED) and all is quiet down the hall.  Now, I’ve got a lunch and a snack to pack, a love letter to write to Mrs. B about John, a key load of laundry (containing all of the PCP’s undies) to do, and a closing ceremony to watch.  It’s probably for the best that my list is lengthy– it doesn’t leave much time for me to fret over tomorrow.  Why do they have to go and grow up so fast?!?!

*wipes tear from eye*

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