Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Where We Learn…

Hey all my friends! 

I know a lot of you know that we homeschool our children.  We began homeschooling when our son started Kindergarten and he just started college this week.  We also homeschool our two other children; one a junior and the other in 3rd grade.

My husband and I have counted it as such a blessing to be able to teach our children at home, even though we all teach our children at home, don’t we?  We just felt led to keep them at home when school time came around. 

I am so thankful that God called us to this job.  It has been very rewarding and also very difficult at times.  Oh, did I tell you that I am the teacher and my husband the principal?  Yeah, he gets a kick out of saying that he is the principal.  That’s fine with me because he is also the math and science teacher when the material gets too tough for me to understand. 

Right now, our oldest homeschool child does most of her work independently in her room.  (except for test time)  The youngest and I do her work together.  I am teaching her to be more independent in her work, but mom is still needed a big percentage of the time. 

Since I do have to be pretty much right with Faith, I like to do our school work downstairs close to the kitchen and laundry room.  We have a big playroom that would be great for a school room, but it’s upstairs and too far from the day’s happenings. 

We tried a couple of different places but decided on the room that we or maybe me, find the most calming and relaxing.   That happens to be the dining room with the big farm table and most everything painted white.  It also has two windows that look out onto the front yard so we can see our chickens playing and anyone who happens down the driveway.  I pull the blinds all the way up every morning to let the sun shine in on our day and then we work, and play, and talk, and laugh, and I love it!

school 7

school 3

school 4

school 5

school 6

school 8

school 1 yes

school 9

This is my youngest love that makes my heart go pitter patter.

You know that I love my farm table and now it’s become a great spot to do more than just eat at.  Learning can be “pretty”.

(chemo treatment number two for my mama tomorrow (Thursday)…please pray if you feel led to) WHEN WE ARE WEAK, HE SURE IS STRONG!!!!!

Partying over at Faded Charm and Brambleberry Cottage

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