Monday, August 15, 2011

My Little Tomboy Princess

My lovely little Lillian has decided that she HATES to have her picture taken. Pretty much all of the photos on here that were taken on here over the past year I had to tell her that I was taking pictures of the tree behind her or of something/someone else in the photo and then she just runs around and plays and I try my best to get something half-way decent. More often than not I just end up with a ton of photos of the back of her head or her hands held up over her face, so I always get quite excited when I get shots where she is actually looking at the camera. 

This past week we traveled from New Hampshire out to Indiana (or Indi-dana, as Lillie calls it) to spend some time with Jon's family. One of the nights that we were there we went to his uncle's house. They had a lawn that was a little kid's heaven - complete with swings, a little tree fort and a creek with a bridge. Lillie's great-grandfather had given her a large hollyhock that she put in
her hair as soon as we arrived and she thought she was quite the little
princess. She had a ball and spent much of the evening playing in the creek with one of Jon's younger cousins, Tyler. I think the highlight of her night was when they caught two crawdads. While they were playing the sun was setting and the light was just so beautiful sparkling off of the water that I tried my best to sneak a few pictures before Lillie knew what I was up to.  I love that she is in some ways a girly-girl and in some ways such a tomboy. She loves everything pink and princess related but also loves to be barefoot running around in the dirt or getting soaked in the creek while hunting for bugs, crawdads and fish.

Here Lola is with Grammy and Coach (Jon's mom and dad).

I think Lillie has been whispering to Lola "Whatever you do, do NOT look at the camera!" 

"And if you do look at the camera, make sure you do NOT smile!"

We had a wonderful time with Jon's family and now are finally getting settled in back at home and are busy working like crazy to get everything ready to reopen our shop on September 1st. Ahhhh - there is so much to do!

I hope you all have a most wonderful Monday!

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