Friday, January 14, 2011

Wonders Of Spackle.

Thank you everyone for all the sweet comments you left on my Pottery Barn inspired  lazy susan project.  I was just blown away by your kindness.

This is another project I did the same day as the lazy susan.  I had this pair of altar candlesticks in my shop for six months and they never sold. When I bought them I really did not like the gold finish but I left them alone thinking someone else might like it.  Here is one of the candlesticks in all its golden glory.

I wanted a chippy plaster look so I pulled out the wall spackle paste. You may remember the lamp I used a similar technique on.  This is such an easy project but it makes quite a transformation.

First add spackle to the candlesticks covering as much as you want of the old finish.  I found it was easiest to apply this with slightly damp fingers.  You don't have to be careful here. Some areas I did a light coat and others I just globbed it on.  When dry take sandpaper and lightly sand the areas that look too rough.

  The next step is to add glaze. I used Ralph Lauren Smoke because I always have this around. Lightly apply the glaze and wipe off until you get the look you want. Finish the candlesticks with a coat of spray varnish or polyacrylic.

Here are the new improved candlesticks.

In person they do look like chippy plaster.
Here's a close-up.

You can see I left a little of the gold peeking through. I have them sitting on my $6.00 thrift store silver tray.

Decided I like them better on the buffet.  Now I am debating whether to take them back to the shop or not.

I also want to show you a great project I found while browsing through other blogs.  Heather at  Dollar Store Crafts made the most adorable chandelier from Christmas beads bought at the dollar store. You have to check this out and see some of her other thrifty projects.

Thanks Heather for letting me share this!

I am joining the parties at :

Thanks for your visit!

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