Ok, my friends, it’s time for my giveaway!
Can I just tell you that I had so much fun shopping for this and keeping all of you in mind that I have connected with over the last year?
I also have to tell you that the whole theme of my giveaway was not really intended at first, but it just kind of happened. Cool thing is…I really like how it turned out.
Keep in mind that the Bible says that Love is the greatest gift.
Check out the goodies that I picked out for you…
There are two 16 oz mugs, a Starbucks gift card, the beautiful February edition of Romantic Homes magazine which features some of our talented blogging friends, Burt’s Bees lip balm with pomegranate oil, pretty little pink rose petals, and a great wicker basket lantern from TJ Maxx. I am also including one of TJ Maxx’s spring reusable totes that I love to take shopping with me.
The cup that looks black is actually a pretty, deep brown. (I bought that one for myself)
I hope this is something that you all would enjoy.
Now for my simple rules:
Please leave me a comment ( I love reading your comments and always try to respond to each one of you because I think that makes us better friends)
If you are not a follower already, I would be thrilled to have you follow me, but it’s not a necessity
I would love for you to tell your friends about my giveaway if you think it’s something that they might enjoy (maybe they need an extra little bit of love too)
If you tell your friends, please let me know by leaving me a second comment and that way I can have your name entered twice
So, that’s it…
You have a chance to get your name entered twice…once for leaving a comment and another if you share the details with a friend and make sure to let me know that you did
My “random generator” will be my youngest child who will draw a name on Saturday , January 29. I will announce the winner the following Sunday, January 30.
(If any of this does not make sense, please let me know)
I want to remind you all that today is Sanctity of Life Sunday. Please take a moment to pray for the mom and/or dad who is considering abortion. Pray also for the mom who has already had an abortion and needs a healing touch from God.
Life is precious and it is a gift from God.
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