Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Arabelle Faerie Tutu and a Visit from Mimi and Papa

Sorry I haven't posted in a week! I really do have quite a few posts planned: some valentine's projects, a ottoman slipcover tutorial, Lillie's bedroom (long story but we changed it around again), plans for the nursery, the next round of script pillows, some new designs, etc... I just haven't had any time these past few weeks. I can't believe I once thought being in college was stressful and time-consuming! Haha - little did I know how crazy grown-up life would be.

However, I feel like starting this week I am a back on track (or at least I hope so). My parents were here for the past four days and it was such an enormous help! I don't know if ever in all my life I have been so glad to see them (except for when I was in labor with Lillie) or so sad to see them leave! I hate that we live so far away from our families especially now that our own family is growing. It had been particularly long ten days with Jon being out of town quite a bit and I had been staying up until 3 or 4 every single night and was beyond exhausted! To be honest, I don't know if ever in all my life I had been quite so stressed or worn out. Jon arrived back home Tuesday and my parents got here Wednesday and it was wonderful to have them here! It was especially nice having them cook, clean, run errands and play with Lillie and my mom even helped me out with a bunch of sewing, and my dad completely cleaned out and vacuumed my car and organized my garage (I HATE for anything to be out of place in my house but my poor car and garage always end up a disaster)! We also started preparing to turn our guest room into a nursery and ended up switching a bunch of stuff around between Lillie's bedroom and the guest bedroom/nursery. I will show you pictures of Lillie's newly arranged room later this week. It wasn't design-wise what I had in mind but it gives her soooo much more room to play so I am happy with it. And I am hoping to officially start on a few projects this coming week for the nursery and have it done by the end of February. I will probably post pictures of that along the way once I officially get started.

My mom also has designed a few new things for our shop including this tutu (I also can't wait to show you a new white dress she did but I haven't had time to photograph it yet. Lillie wasn't feeling well all week so we just took pictures of her in this one and figured we would save the other new tutu and the dress for when she was feeling better). This one here is one of my new favorites! It is a double layer pixie cut and the top layer is a pale almost grayish blue called Williamsburg blue. It has such a light, airy feel to it and Lillie looked so adorable running around in it! It will be available in our shop either next week or the week after.

This is my favorite picture of the bunch.

In the photos above I played around with the coloring a bit but this photo on the dress form probably shows the color the best (although on all computer screens it will probably look a little different).

And here are a few black and white shots:

Moosie or "Mimi", Lillie and Papa down in Colonial Williamsburg

It was a lot colder out than we thought and so we didn't last too long playing soccer down on the lawn in front of the Governor's Palace. I cannot wait for another month and a half or so when the weather starts to get warm again and we can go back to heading down there every day to play. I really miss our daily trips there!

I plan on doing posts on Lillie's room, an ottoman slipcover tutorial, some nursery ideas and a new script pillow all in the next week and a half and then hopefully a Valentine's one after that but we shall see if I can actually keep to that schedule! =)

I hope you all have had a lovely weekend.

P.S. I am still horribly behind on e-mails but hope to start digging into them tonight once Lillie is in bed and also to catch up on some blog reading - I am sooo behind!

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