Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Wonder and daydreaming

What happens to our tears when they fall?
Do birds gather them up and take them to God?

When the wind blows through your hair, is that the language of heaven?

When a flower grows, does it talk to the soil and the rain?

When we sleep, do the children from the memories of our childhood come and talk with us?

How is it that children are able to look at people for so long and not be embarassed?

What happens to adults to make them forget how to be a child?

Between sleeping and waking, what is that place we find ourselves in, that makes us feel like our dreams are so real?

Cats and children......they can look right through you, but aren't they really looking at you......
who you really are?

Why is it that clouds make us feel so happy and comforted?

What is more important.......to see the ocean or see someone smile?

If you were asleep in a beautiful garden, what kind of flowers would you want to be near?

Walking in the woods on a quiet, beautiful day, what would be the song that you would create of your very own?

I hope we will listen to the children around us and really hear the beauty and wisdom that they speak with. And I hope we will listen to the child within us and let that child be alive and happy in us as well. How wonderful to be a child.

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