Saturday, January 19, 2013

One word with Tina from The Enchanted Home and a Safavieh giveaway!!

Was cleaning out my files of old posts, and I came across this post that I somehow never posted! I had done this quite a while ago and thought I might as well post it as several had asked me to do one on myself way back when.  Giveaway details on bottom So here it goes....

OK I am going to spare you a sappy intro because well, that would be well just really strange since it is about moi! However many people asked me to do one on myself so I figured why not. What the will give my brain a chance to focus on something else other than fabrics, wallpaper, and lighting fixtures. So here we go.........say hello to Tina from The Enchanted Home!

One quality I love in people is: Authenticity (no phonies or social climbers please)

If my house could only be furnished in one color it would definitely have to be: White

One luxury I cannot live without: clean water and my computer

If I had to have one designer decorate my entire house with 0 input from me it would have to be: This is so hard....there are so many talents out there!It would be a "cocktail"of a heaping teaspoon of  Kathy Kincaid, a pinch of Charles Faudree, a dab of Phoebe Howard, a smidgeon of Dan Carithers and a sprinkle of Bunny Williams. There!

If I had to choose coffee or tea it would be: Coffee! Though lately I am enjoying and drinking more tea, especially many wonderful flavored teas like peach mango and pomegranate...yum!

One place I have been that I would love to go back to: Italy (hoping to go to Positano, The Amalfi coast and Tuscany SOON)

One place I am longing to visit is: China and Greece, oops that's two!

One talent I wish I had was: sing (even better than I do- if that is possible...totally kidding )

I think most people would agree I am very: friendly and funny 

If I could change one quality about myself it would be: to be less impatient and more tolerant.

One career I could see myself having would be: a screenwriter or producer

If food is therapy, when stressed I indulge in: chocolate, preferably with nuts and tons of caramel 

One of my favorite brands for clothing is: Tory Burch

If my life were a book, the title would be: An Enchanted Life

My favorite flower is: Peonies ( tied with orchids, hydrangeas and French tulips)

I would love to have coffee and a chat session with this famous person: Princess Diana

A favorite TV show I can't miss: If I am to be honest....Top Chef, Million dollar decorators, any of the "housewives" shows on Bravo (guilty pleasure)Hey, at least I am being honest:)They are fun and its kind of hard to believe they are "for real"! Bravo rocks! But on the flip side, I am also a serial news junkie.

Hollywood is: Too superficial for my taste but do love a great movie so am indebted to what they do!

Tuscany or Provence? Tuscany. No Provence. No Tuscany. No Provence. Sorry either one is a dream!

The next presidential election will be: The typical explosion of fireworks and finger pointing right up until election night.

The one best thing about blogging is: the incredible friendships and connections I have made and continue to make

A guilty pleasure for me is: indulging in good food and retail therapy

A clothing designer I think that has great style: Ralph Lauren or Tory Burch

My strongest quality would have to be: That I am a loyal, devoted friend

The best restaurant I have ever been to was: A few come to mind but in recent years, dining at Le Meurice in Paris was pretty spectacular (and decadently delicious)!

Most overrated actor/actress is: Alive: Kim Kardashian (if you can even call her an actress)

If my life were a documentary, I could see this actress playing me: Possibly  Charlize Theron

One thing I like about my appearance is: my eyes

One thing I can honestly say I love about myself is: That I am very generous and love to live in the moment

Town or country: country (but having a small city place for weekend jaunts would be quite nice)

One person I admire: I have to say three, my husband and my parents. Awesome in every way.

Pick a decade to live in, any decade: 20's, flapper dresses, amazing headdresses,crazy parties,good manners, chivalry, champagne....need I say more! Always say I was born in the wrong era!

My favorite room of my house is: my kitchen, where it all goes down!

If I were an animal I would be, Teddy of course.

A book I would recommend to everyone would be...
Cutting for Stone or The Help 

If I were planning a huge family reunion, this is where I would want to have it: On a beautiful beach in a oceanfront home in Hawaii or in a vineyard in the heart of Napa Valley!

One thing I wish everyone could be more of: compassionate and accepting. Oops...there I go again, I said two not one! Those two things could change our world.

In one word life is...thrilling!

  Ism't she great!! JUST KIDDING!! I love these kinds of things, a fun and interesting way to get to know what makes people tick.  Thank you for reading and stopping by to hear what I have to say. 
Now onto this fabulous giveaway from Safavieh...... Check out this amazing shoe ottoman! How clever.... it is an ottoman that double as shoe storage. I love this thing! It has pockets for several pairs of shoes...and we know us girls can never have too much space for shoes!! 
All you need to do to be eligible is to leave a comment here after visiting Safavieh's website (click here)  and come back and tell me an item you just love (besides this wonderful little ottoman of course). Want a second chance to win? Leave a comment on Safavieh's Facebook page telling them an itme you love and be sure you mention you are from The Enchanted Home (click here). 
I will announce a winner on Tuesday morning,  Anonymous commenters,  you must leave a name and first name initial in your comment.

  Thanks for taking the time to swing by and thank you Safavieh.  Wishing you all a fabulous weekend!!

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