Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Win a Dear Lillie Gift Card!

We still don't have any power at home, but most of Williamsburg does (I'm posting from Jon's office) so we should be getting it back pretty soon, which means we will be opening on Thursday at 12:01 am as planned (that's less than 36 hours away)! We've actually been sewing by candlelight just trying to get everything ready, but I think we should be good to go by the time Thursday rolls around.

So, now onto our big giveaway. This time we are giving away a $50 gift card to use when our store opens! We don't have quite as many new items ready to go as we had planned but they will be added in the coming days and weeks. We have quite a few things that are almost done but need labels sewn in and to be added to inventory (like scarves and shirts) and quite a few more things that are in the process of being made (like Thanksgiving and Christmas pillows!)

In the meantime I thought I would show you a few of the new items that we will have available when we open:

We have some new shopping bags:

Our Organic Annistyn Scarf in Winter White

(we have a very limited quantity now but will have more and also have some in black in another week or two):

We now are offering baby cloths! My mom made some of these when Lola was born and I absolutely adored them. They are soft and so pretty and everywhere we have gone people have asked where I got them so we decided to offer them in the shop. They come in a nuetral set, a pink set and a blue set:

We also will have quite a few tutus in stock and a bunch of our hand knit-hats:

And we will have lots of silhouette and Je'Taime Pillows available too:

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So, how can you win this $50 gift card?

This time it is a bit different! We are trying to grow our facebook page now that we are opening our shop back up again so to enter this one:

simply like our facebook page and "share" it with your friends

(you can find a link to do this on our facebook page). Then comment on this post that you "shared" this with your friends and we will pick a winner!

p.s. Don't worry if you don't have a facebook page. We will have more of our regular giveaways coming up soon!

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