Monday, April 19, 2010

Chicken Wire Brought Inside

I have seen several neat items lately that incorporated chicken wire into them, but unfortunately cannot remember where I saw them.  I did love that look, though, so I tried to come up with something for myself using chicken wire left over from our chicken coop.

I found this neat frame at a yardsale this past weekend.  I know the floral is probably very pretty, but it just didn't go in my house, so I needed to do something different with it.

I decided this would be a good time to try the wire.

So, with my frame, chicken wire, book covers bought at GW, scrapbooking glue and my staple gun, I went to work on my little project.

This is what she looked like before. 

This was all I needed to change the look completely...

I took the paper and just used scrapbook glue to paste it down. I wanted something that could easily be changed since I change things up so often.

I used my handy little staple gun that I got for Christmas to secure the chicken wire. 

By the way, chicken wire hurts if you are not very careful in how you handle it.

Here it is with the paper and the wire all in place...

Now what to put on here...

This is where I am going to lose some of you that are thinking this is pretty neat so far.

We found what we think is an old razor strap inside of a piece of furniture that belonged to my grandparents. And, because my daughter and I both really like the way it looks, we decided this was a great way to show it off.

So here is the razor strap showcased on the chicken wire...

And, here it is hanging in my dining room.

Did I lose you?

Maybe an odd place for such a thing as this, but I like it and Beth likes it, and well, I'm not sure if anyone else in the house really cares, so there you go...dining room it is.

Now, I'm thinkin about other places I can use chicken wire besides the chicken coop.   

I am linking up to a few parties tonight so come on over and visit with me...

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