The Halloween Witch has really outdone herself this week (if I do say so myself). The littles awoke to a scrumptious little breakfast of “Krispy Scream” pumpkin and spider web donuts.

I had the friendly guy at the KK (I say friendly because while he dazzled my with stories of how he’s going to surprise his girlfriend with not just a Christmas Day engagement but an entire Christmas Day wedding, he smartly handed the baby at least a dozen donut holes to keep him quiet and occupied) package them in their small favor boxes. Note that the baby is still little enough to go with me to the Krispy Kreme one afternoon and still be completely surprised to see them on the table the next morning :-)

The real scream was the HOT glazed donut I gobbled up right there in the store.
Loe Sekarang Sedang Baca Artikel Tentang Krispy Screams Loe Juga Bisa Menemukan Artikel Krispy Screams Gue Ini, dengan Link, Loe Juga Boleh Menyebar Luaskan Artikel Ini Atau MengCoPas Artikel Krispy ScreamsGue ini Jika Loe Memang Suka and Berrmanfaat. Tapi Gue Minta Loe Jangan Lupa Menyertakan Link Krispy Screams Sumbernya. Jangan Seperti Kacang Lupa ama Kulitnya. Ok brothers's 
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