Yesterday I had the extreme pleasure of attending my very first Muffins with Mom event with the PCP. It was one of the sweetest, most memorable mornings I’ve ever had. And it goes without saying that I was choking back the tears from the moment I arrived.
John’s teachers really went out of their way to make the entire morning top notch. The hallway outside of the classroom was decorated with all things spring and artwork all about the Mom’s.
The PCP was most distraught that he gave me green eyes in the picture. While he was a little off on the eyes, he was spot on with the accessories, including both earrings and a necklace.
I was sniffling and snickering at the same time while pouring through his thoughts about me…I appreciate that he thinks I’m 20 (the youngest mom in the class by far) and the last sentence made my heart sing (sometimes I feel like I’m NOT all that nice – you know, nagging let’s read, pick up your socks, please sit down and eat, stop tormenting your brother, you HAVE TO GO TO BED THIS INSTANT from sun up to sun down.)
Inside the class room, the tables were beautifully set. John grabbed me by the hand and brought me over to our place. He was so incredibly proud of himself and his work that he was just beside himself. At my seat I had a little potted flower, his writing journal, a monthly handprint keepsake, a cup of tea poem with a tea bag inside, a flower made from his hand and a little All About Me card. I will treasure these things till the end of time.
The change in John’s writing alone was remarkable. His first entry in his writing journal was dated last September and read: Kitten like dinks (drinks).And his last entry was four pages long and all about me…
My mom is so sweet!
My mom likse copyter. (likes computers)
My mom has blod skin. (blonde skin)
My mom loves me!
My mom likes too play with me.
My moms spishl (special) too me!
My mom loos priteey. (looks pretty)
My mom liske applls. (likes apples)
My mom likse boosk too read. (likes books to read)
My mom has brown har. (hair)
My mom has log har. (long hair)
My mom likse pruprryl. (likes purple)
My mom likse pink! (likes pink)
My mom likse too play out sid with me. (likes to play outside)
My moms buth day is mach. (birthday is March)
My mom like flowrs. (likes flowers)
My mom has gep (jeep) too drive.
My mom is a good danser. (dancer)
My mom is speshl. (special)
After we looked through all of his work, he asked me if I would like him to make me a plate. Be still my heart. He came back to the table with a hearty serving of Friendship Fruit Salad, muffins and punch.
I have never, ever been prouder of John than I was this morning. He’s grown and learned so much in the last nine months. He has beautiful manners and a heart of gold. I am so incredibly blessed to have the great fortune of being his mommy.
Speaking of the angel, I’d best be off to make breakfast to fuel up for our tournament game this morning!
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