Friday, April 13, 2012

The charming country houses of François-Xavier Van Damme


As a lot of you, my dear readers, asked me to post more often about Belgian architecture and interior design, today I am thrilled to introduce you to one of my favorite Belgian architects François-Xavier Van Damme.

This talented Belgian architect designs the most wonderful country dreamhouses!

The architecture of the French southwest region, especially the French 18th century country houses, are a huge inspiration for his work.

His fascination for this style grew during his childhood, when he was travelling to France, together with his father Francis Van Damme (a renowned decorator), looking for reclaimed building materials.

With his preference for the country styled architecture and with respect to history, François-Xavier is designing houses in different classic styles and even loves to renovate ancient farm houses.


François-Xavier sent me pictures of his own country house, allowing me to post these here today!

The architect resides in a beautiful house in the Flemish countryside.

3The private house of the architect. As if the house has been there for ages.


1 This picture of a French country house, inspired François-Xavier designing his private home.


2 These are the architect’s primary sketches in order to share his first ideas with his client.  Fully convincing!!!!


As you can see on the pictures of the exterior of the house, François-Xavier prefers to create his projects with reclaimed materials together with artisanal techniques.


French roof tiles and lime-washed brick façade.



7  Beautiful curved frontdoor.


Let us take a look inside the house!

8 Entry hall.


11 Even inside, carefully chosen reclaimed materials.

Notice that charming door and the reclaimed oak boarded floor.

A lot of wood is used here.


Beamed ceiling.


French 18th century furniture and gorgeous paneling!

12 Study corner with beautiful cabinetry. Notice the window shutters.


13 Kitchen with a remarkable kitchen hood.



Attention to detail all around the house. Notice the hardware of the doors.

15 Master bedroom. So serene! Again the oak boarded floor.


16 Bathroom.



For much more inspirational pictures of the houses of François-Xavier, please visit his website here . You will not be disappointed!

If you would love to have designed your dreamhouse by François-Xavier Van Damme, contact the architect at .




A huge thank you to François-Xavier for allowing me to write this post and for sending me these gorgeous pictures of his home!


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!




All images posted with permission of François-Xavier Van Damme.

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