Along with folks all over the South, we rang in 2012 with the traditional, albeit meager, meal of peas for luck and greens for wealth. We've been cookin up this meal and enjoying it with Sister and her Mister since the first year we were married.
I repurposed the table decor from
New Years Eve for the occasion. I thought about cookin' up those collards but just couldn't bring myself to deconstruct the centerpiece quite yet.
Along with our hoppin john and
bourbon bacon greens (my new fave recipe, though I substitute turnips), Honey grilled up his delish bourbon and brown sugar glazed pork tenderloin and we noshed on honey cornbread muffins, the
Pirate's House pecan pie
(recipe here) and the sweetest tea you've ever wrapped your lips around.
Now, I've got to go get me a piece of that pie for breakfast before the boys wake up and beat me to it.
Yes, they are all still asleep. Glory be...
Loe Sekarang Sedang Baca Artikel Tentang Sunday Supper {New Years Style} Loe Juga Bisa Menemukan Artikel Sunday Supper {New Years Style} Gue Ini, dengan Link, Loe Juga Boleh Menyebar Luaskan Artikel Ini Atau MengCoPas Artikel Sunday Supper {New Years Style}Gue ini Jika Loe Memang Suka and Berrmanfaat. Tapi Gue Minta Loe Jangan Lupa Menyertakan Link Sunday Supper {New Years Style} Sumbernya. Jangan Seperti Kacang Lupa ama Kulitnya. Ok brothers's 
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