Friday, September 2, 2011

White Metal Cabinets

Hey friends!

I told you a couple of days ago that I bought a couple of old lockers at the flea market recently, but they are not actually lockers. (I don’t think)  They are two individual metal cabinets with shelves and they are great to organize my utility room.

I like to stockpile food when I find it on sale so I always have extra stuff to store.  I use to put it on a wire shelving unit in my utility room, but then it was just out there for all to see when they walked through that room.  When I found these cabinets, I knew they would be a perfect solution.

cabinets 4

I use the old dresser to hold tablecloths, cloth napkins, extra silverware and such,  in.  Very nice to have even though it takes up a lot of room.

baskets 1

I also keep two of my old locker baskets on top.   One basket holds my homemade laundry detergent and homemade fabric softener.  The other basket holds car keys, sunscreen,  and chalk for my chalkboard. 

cabinets 5

cabinets 3

cabinets 2

Great flea market find to make my laundry room ( life)  a little less cluttered and a little more organized.

Added later:  I have had several people request the recipe that I use for my fabric softener so I want to go ahead and put it here.  (thinking that I will do an additional post sometime on all of my homemade cleaners that I use)

Simple Fabric Softener Recipe
1 cup vinegar
2 cups hair conditioner (use a scent you like, use organic, whatever)
6 cups of water
(I also add a few drops of my favorite essential oils-usually lavender)

Mis all this together and use it like any other fabric softener.

Heading over to Debra’s at Common Ground, Potpourri Friday, and Just a Girl Blog

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