Friday, February 4, 2011

Au Revoir..Changes

No, I am not shutting down my blog.  Don't be silly.. I love you guys!  Things are about to change around our house though...lots of changes!

Hubby and I have decided to put our Richmond home on the market and move to Orlando.  This move will get us closer to my dad and our grown children and their families.

As some of you know our son and his family recently moved to Orlando. What you may not know is that I was born and raised near there and my dad lives just thirty minutes away. Dad is eighty five years old and right now he is in fairly good health but I do worry about him living by himself.

We will also be putting our beach home on the market. I think it is time to let go and move on.  We have held off selling in the hopes that the Florida real estate market would turn around.  That hasn't happened and the cost of maintaining a house on the beach just keeps going up.

With the move I will be closing my antique business.  I have decided not to open another shop nor rent space in a mall.  No more lugging furniture or heavy items for me.  You know I love junkin and thrifting too much to give that up so I am looking into the possibility of opening an on-line shop or one with Etsy.   

We leave in a few days for Orlando and we will be narrowing down neighborhoods and areas.  I hope you will join me through my blog as we move and decorate a new home.  I envision a lighter and brighter decorating style so you will see lots of changes.


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