Monday, August 25, 2008

Finally back to sharing beautiful photos with you again!!!

Hello dear friends!! You must have thought that I became lost in our busy days of working on our movie!! I did in a way....
we have been extremely busy with our movie, but I finally have a chance to share some beautiful photos with you. I have missed just doing regular blogging!! I haven't even had a chance to visit very many of your blogs either, so I want to take some time to see all the beautiful things you share, too, on your blogs.
We are very excited that our movie has been selling! People seem to be very excited about it, too! We are getting ready to go to the Utah State Fair to show our Treehouse and little furniture and to sell our movie. We're really excited. Mike is making a wonderful booth with his painted mountain and sky murals and little villages and even is making a rectangular box-like sign that will say "The Enchanted Treehouse" on it with pictures of castles and little people waving. I'm sure it's going to be wonderful; he is so imaginative.
We had something even more wonderful happen though in our family this last week!! Our younger son got married! We were so happy. He and his bride Brittnee looked so sweet and beautiful together and so happy. I couldn't keep back the tears, it was such a tender, sweet day. They are on their honeymoon in Kennybunkport, Maine! It should be a beautiful place to spend their week. Our older son and his wife also were here for the wedding; they came up from California. It was so wonderful to see them. Michael, our older son, did the music for our movie. It is beautiful. He is such a talented person with so much sensitivity to music.
I never had a daughter and I didn't have sisters either, so I am very grateful for my daughters-in-law. They are very special. It's so difficult though.....our older son and his wife live in California and we live in Utah, so we really miss them a lot. Don't you wish families lived closer to each other, like they used to??
I have been thinking a lot lately about families and being good to your family, caring about them, working at making your family happy and feeling loved. It really does take a conscious effort; it just doesn't happen on it's own, unless there's just really a lot of natural love and understanding. But there are always things in families that have to be worked out and talked about. It is definitely worth every ounce of effort and care, though. We cherish our little family so much. I hope you and your family are feeling a lot of love for each other and are happy!! That is the most important thing in the world!!
Well, that's all for now. I apologize for not posting many things lately other than information about our movie. It's just been totally occupying our lives. But, I will keep posting pretty things for you, so please check back. Would love to hear from you, too!!!
God Bless!

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