Found these wonderful, inspiring pictures this week......wanted to share them with you; so excited. (Aren't you excited when you find an artist whose work just really moves you??!!)
The photographs above are by the artist Kayceeus. Her work can be seen on DeviantArt. Just go to: http://kayceeus.deviantart.com. Really awesome photography.
Also, above, the artist Jade Pegler works in paper and fabric and has the wildest, amazing imagination I've ever seen. Her website: www.jadepegler.net. Her blog: http://spectrescope.blogspot.com. Her work is prolific and complex. Her blog is very interesting.
I'm sorry, I cannot remember where I found the first picture......of the little children looking at the puppets. With all the wars going on in the world, chaos, confusion, sadness......it helps me so much to see the wonderful, glorious smiles of little children, whose lives are filled with hope and love of life. Of course, there are those children whose lives do not have hope and I pray so much for them......children deserve happiness. We all really need to whatever we can to help the children of the world.
I want to tell each one of you who read my blog that I am so grateful to you......for reading my words and appreciating the pictures I post. I am so touched by every comment left on my blog. It is wonderful to feel cared about. Thank you so much!!
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