We have decided to start our wonderful fairy furniture art classes for children again!! We are so excited! We have given many fantastic classes for children at public and private schools, at birthday parties, in our studio and in other people's homes. We really miss working with children and would love to come to your school or home to give our fun, magical and wonderful classes for your children. We bring all the materials and tools......your child can just bring their fantastic imagination and wonder about nature and art.
As we live in the Beverly Hills area, we are available here but can travel a little bit of a distance for the classes, depending on the size of the class. We can only give our classes on Saturdays or week day evenings on an occasional basis as we work full time and also are somewhat on call. So, please contact us about times of classes. We will bring pictures of our work, actual pieces for the children to see, tons of natural materials and glue guns, etc.
The cost is $45 per child for a two hour class, no materials fee, materials all provided. It is an absolutely enchanted and wondrous class for children and you would be amazed at what they create with the beauty and variety in nature.
We also would like to start having nature walks for children, too, to help them see all the wonderful materials they can find in nature to create their art with.
Please contact us if you are interested. We also have many more pictures of our classes and some wonderful letters of reference from parents, too.
It is a marvelous thing to see a child use their imagination, creativity and love nature to make absoutley amazing and beautiful works of art!!!
Hope to hear from you.
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