Friday, November 30, 2012

Holy cow, it looks like a house!

What a difference a few days makes! The guys are furiously framing and before we know it we'll have an upper floor.

From the west -- this is the guest room.

Standing in the guest room, looking east.

The boys' rooms (tall windows) with their bathroom (high window) in between.

From the east, looking at the boys' rooms on down.

Etsy Gifts for Men

Etsy Gifts for Your Dude under $45

Tis the season! It's about that time to hit the pavement and fight the dreaded crowds. I love shopping, yes I do, but I hate holiday shopping. Maybe I'll try something different this year and shop for gifts online. (Good idea eh, who ever though of that!?) I'm a strong supporter of Etsy, so enjoy this list of 8 pretty sweet gifts for men (in my opinion) that also helps to support the small business community.

 For the technology man. A leather ipad case...with a sweet engraved bicycle. $45 Here.

 For the adventure man (ie: my husband). A personalized engraved knife. $26 Here.

 For the hairy man? A genuine shaving kit with handmade soap. $31 Here.

 For the musical man (you lucky lady!). A personalized engraved guitar pick. $18 Here.

 For the clean man, or the coffee lover. Coffee body wash! $7 Here.

 For the cellphone savvy, or the texting man. Thumb-free gloves. $25 Here.

 For the commuter man, or coffee lover. A personalized engraved travel mug. $16 Here.

 For the hip working man. Some brightly colored skinny ties. (yes please!) $19 Here.

Snowmen, Sparkles, and Pinecones

I love a variety at Christmastime. 

I love simple, but I also love sparkles.

I love nature, but I also love glitter.

At Christmastime, I can marry all that I love.

I also have to bring my simple tastes together with my children’s “let’s go all out” taste.

My Christmas fireplace showed a little of both styles.

My beautiful old German dough bowl filled with sparkly ornaments, pinecones, and fresh greens captures all that we love..

dough bowl 2

dough bowl 1

dough bowl 3

dough bowl 5

We’ve got sparkles and we have nature…

dough bowl 6

dough bowl 7

A little further beyond my coffee table is another little white table filled with Christmas!

full view 5

full view 8

This little snowman is probably the last thing left in my house that came from Kirkland’s.  He is a favorite “friend” of ours during the cold winter months.

snow man 2

snowman 5

Baskets of pinecones and greens are such a beautiful thing.

snowman 1

From my heart and home today, I wish you all a blessed day and upcoming weekend.

Linking up at Common Ground

Modern bedrooms designs ideas.

Modern bedrooms designs ideas.

Modern bedrooms designs ideas.

Modern bedrooms designs ideas.

The Baby’s Portrait + Ramsign Winner

Do y’all remember back in September when I dolled up the baby for his three year formal portrait?  Well, Mother and I picked it up last week and I am just speechless.  It perfectly captures his precious personality and fleeting innocence, and I can’t help but smile every time I walk past it in the dining room.  We’ve been anxiously saving his spot for three years!

November 2012 335 copy

November 2012 353 copy

November 2012 355 copy

John’s portrait was done at the very same age, in front of the very same fence, in a very similar outfit (I wanted them to each have one to pass down) three short (but so long in many ways) years ago.  I will treasure these.  Always.

And while I have the baby on my mind, I have to share an exchange from earlier in the week...  While he was cutting paper at the kitchen table (a "job" he takes very seriously and performs so many times a day that it's a wonder I have anything left to write on), I reminded him that we need to clean up the play room before bed.

Photo: On telling Whit we need to go clean up the playroom before bed... "Mommy I very busy and I not a octopus."

To which he replied in his practiced and most authoritative voice "Mommy I very busy and I not a octopus."  And I'm outsmarted by the baby.  Again!

Lastly, I want to thank everyone that entered my Ramsign giveaway!  I loved reading what numbers you'd choose and what styles were your favorites.  So, without further ado, the lucky winner (by way of random number generation) is... drumroll please...

Christine of Sweet Girl Design!!  It just so happens that I adore her choice (not that it's binding or anything) "Love the Metropolitan - that blue is gorgeous! I would get "4" for my 4 boys - it would be terrible to leave such a pretty sign behind if I ever moved!! :)"  

CoNgRaTs!!!  Look for an email from me lickety split!

Beta-Plus latest publications, the perfect Christmas gift



I would love to inform you about the latest Publications of Beta-Plus Publishing.

Each one of these 4 new titles could be a perfect Christmas gift.


Cover Building and Renovating with Reclaimed MaterialsCover Building and Renovating with Reclaimed Materials

!!!THIS IS A ‘MUST HAVE’ BOOK ! It is a gorgeous publication!!! You will love it !

Antique building materials immediately give timeless, inimitable style to a new or restored home. Reclaimed wooden floors, terracotta tiles, traditional Burgundy slabs, old roof tiling, antique fireplaces ... these all fit perfectly into contemporary or classic surroundings. This new book presents dozen of inspiring examples and also provides addresses of dealers in antique construction materials.

Building and Renovating with Reclaimed Materials (2)‘Building and Renovating with Reclaimed Materials’   Source : preview (here)


Building and Renovating with Reclaimed Materials (1)‘Building and Renovating with Reclaimed Materials’   Source : preview (here)


Building and Renovating with Reclaimed Materials (4)‘Building and Renovating with Reclaimed Materials’   Source : preview (here)


Building and Renovating with Reclaimed Materials (3)‘Building and Renovating with Reclaimed Materials’   Source : preview (here)


Cover The New Living KitchenCover The New Living Kitchen

In our quickly changing living environment, the kitchen is one of the most important locations in the interior. It is here that the family members meet every day, where they cook and eat, where they also work and play.
Interior architects and kitchen designers pay a lot of attention to the arrangement and organisation of open-plan kitchens in their new projects. This book offers readers dozens of useful addresses and visual tips for the design and realisation of their dream kitchen.

The New Living Kitchen (2)‘The New Living Kitchen’   Source : preview (here)


The New Living Kitchen (3)‘The New Living Kitchen’   Source : preview (here)


The New Living Kitchen (1)‘The New Living Kitchen’   Source : preview (here)


The New Living Kitchen (4)‘The New Living Kitchen’   Source : preview (here)


Cover Contemporary Architecture & Interiors - Yearbook 2013Cover Contemporary Architecture & Interiors-Yearbook 2013

The fifth edition of this reference work on contemporary architecture & interior design. With technical plans.

Contemporary Architecture & Interiors Yearbook 2013 (2)‘Contemporary Architecture & Interiors – Yearbook 2013’   Source : preview (here)


Contemporary Architecture & Interiors Yearbook 2013 (3)‘Contemporary Architecture & Interiors – Yearbook 2013’   Source : preview (here)


Contemporary Architecture & Interiors Yearbook 2013 (1)‘Contemporary Architecture & Interiors – Yearbook 2013’   Source : preview (here)


Contemporary Architecture & Interiors Yearbook 2013 (4)‘Contemporary Architecture & Interiors – Yearbook 2013’   Source : preview (here)


Cover Marsh Architects - Residential workCover Wood Marsh Architects – Residential Work

The architecture and design of Wood Marsh Architects has been judged as possessing great conceptual strength and clarity. Contextual issues of locality and region are used as a foundation for ideas that bring bold and sculptural architecture to our communities. This beautifully published book showcases a selection of their best public and private projects.

Marsh Architects - Residential work (1)‘Wood Marsh Architects – Residential Work’   Source : preview (here)


Marsh Architects - Residential work (3)‘Wood Marsh Architects – Residential Work’   Source : preview (here)


Marsh Architects - Residential work (2)‘Wood Marsh Architects – Residential Work’   Source : preview (here)


Marsh Architects - Residential work (4)‘Wood Marsh Architects – Residential Work’   Source : preview (here)


Logo Beta-Plus


Be sure to stay informed about the publications to come out in 2013! Contact Beta-Plus at

I wish you all a nice weekend !



.All images & text : website with the approval of Wim Pauwels.

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